Erica, Author at Happy Vermont - Page 5 of 44

Author: Erica

Meander through the center of just about any small Vermont town and you'll likely come across a town hall. Not every Vermont town hall is the go-to place on Town Meeting Day—the first Tuesday in March—but many are gathering places for democracy in action that...

In the early days of New England skiing, winter enthusiasts flocked to small Vermont ski hills like Northeast Slopes in East Corinth, Gilbert’s Hill in Woodstock (home of the first rope tow in the United States), and Prospect Mountain in Woodford. Vermont skiing has come a...

Leaf-peeping on U.S. Forest Service roads in Vermont is a good option for out-of-the-way scenic drives and outdoor exploration. Forest Service roads in Vermont can be found across the Green Mountain National Forest, from Searsburg and Sunderland to Goshen and Granville. The national forest encompasses more...