Lamoille County Archives - Page 3 of 4 - Happy Vermont

Lamoille County

  • Vermont Farm Dinners Draw Food Lovers to Cambridge
    Vermont Farm Dinners Draw Food Lovers to Cambridge

    Anne Tisbert is a farmer, entrepreneur, tour guide, and mother. At Valley Dream Farm, which she purchased with her husband, Joe, in 1992, she rises early each day to tend to organic produce—red beets, sugar snap peas, rhubarb, and tomatoes—that grow in the shadow of Mount...

  • A Winter Trek Through the Notch in Stowe
    A Winter Trek Through the Notch in Stowe

    Route 108 through Smugglers’ Notch is known as one of the most scenic drives in Vermont, at least between May and October. But when the snow flies, a three-mile section of this scenic, winding road is closed to traffic. That’s not to say that Route 108...

  • A Covered Bridge in Jeffersonville with an Elusive Past
    A Covered Bridge in Jeffersonville with an Elusive Past

    The Grist Mill Covered Bridge in Jeffersonville is a stone’s throw from Route 108 near Smugglers’ Notch. Extending 85 feet across the Brewster River, the bridge seems to have an elusive past. No one seems to know exactly when the bridge was built, or even...

  • Route 100: The Legendary Skier’s Highway in Vermont
    Route 100: The Legendary Skier’s Highway in Vermont

    What’s your favorite Vermont town along Route 100? For me, it’s a toss-up between Weston (where I was married) and Warren (where I used to live). Route 100 stretches 216 miles along the spine of the Green Mountains through 33 classic villages and towns, from Jacksonville...

  • Pleasant Valley Road: The Most Beautiful Road in Vermont
    Pleasant Valley Road: The Most Beautiful Road in Vermont

    So many of Vermont's roads, including Pleasant Valley Road, are scenic in their own unique way. On hundreds of two-lane, paved roads you'll find gorgeous views of mountains, villages, farms, or rolling hills. Everyone has their own personal favorite—Route 100, Route 108, Route 30, Stowe Hollow...

  • Vermont’s Haunted Covered Bridge
    Vermont’s Haunted Covered Bridge

    Emily's Bridge in Stowe looks like any other covered bridge in Vermont. But how the bridge makes people feel is an entirely different story. Officially called Gold Brook Bridge, the one-lane bridge was built in 1844. Over the years, the bridge has become better known as...

  • Stowe Bike Path: Exploring the Great Outdoors
    Stowe Bike Path: Exploring the Great Outdoors

    The Stowe Recreation Path is at the top of my to-do list for anyone visiting or living in Vermont.  Whether you're biking, running, walking your dog or pushing a stroller, the five-mile path is a perfect place to enjoy the outdoors. Mostly flat and level, the...

  • A Peek Inside Smugglers Cave
    A Peek Inside Smugglers Cave

    I have been through Smugglers' Notch on Route 108 dozens of times, but until last weekend I had never noticed the small cave just beyond the parking area. The cave is located about 60-feet from the scenic road (known as the Notch) that winds through Cambridge...

  • Scenic Smugglers Notch: Exploring Route 108
    Scenic Smugglers Notch: Exploring Route 108

    The opening of Route 108 through scenic Smugglers Notch is a rite of spring in Vermont. This scenic road that winds through a narrow pass between Mount Mansfield, Spruce Peak and Sterling Mountain is closed to traffic during the winter months. Located near Vermont's tallest...

  • Gardens and Flowers at Trapp Family Lodge

    The gardens at Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe have everything from primrose and geraniums to impatiens and tulips. And of course, there's Edelweiss. Every summer Dave and I visit the 2,400-acre resort to admire the gardens around the property. Last summer I spent a few hours...