Fall & Autumn Archives - Page 7 of 8 - Happy Vermont

Fall & Autumn

  • Back to the Peru Fair
    Back to the Peru Fair

    On Saturday Dave and I are going to the Peru Fair, which is my favorite fall event in Vermont. The fair, held on Main Street in the small town of Peru, features artists, musicians, performers and a wildly popular pig roast (the fair's logo is...

  • Exploring Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historic Park
    Exploring Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historic Park

    We celebrated Dave's 35th birthday in Woodstock over the weekend and visited Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historic Park, a 550-acre park that opened to the public in 1998. The park is the only national park in Vermont, and it's the only national park to tell the story of...

  • Ready for Fall
    Ready for Fall

    Now that I can see some of the leaves beginning to change, I'm feeling more geared up for fall. There's not too much fall foliage to enjoy in Vermont just yet, but we'll start to see more dramatic color over the next week or so. With...

  • The End of Summer
    The End of Summer

    It's only late August, but I can already feel the autumn chill in the air. Here and there a few leaves are turning yellow and orange, and the mornings are crisp and clear. I love fall in Vermont. But I don't know if I'm ready to...

  • Scenic Smugglers Notch: Exploring Route 108
    Scenic Smugglers Notch: Exploring Route 108

    The opening of Route 108 through scenic Smugglers Notch is a rite of spring in Vermont. This scenic road that winds through a narrow pass between Mount Mansfield, Spruce Peak and Sterling Mountain is closed to traffic during the winter months. Located near Vermont's tallest...

  • The Path to Snow Farm Vineyard

    Most of us know someone who ended up taking an entirely different career path than what they had planned. My mom started out as a teacher but ended up in real estate. My husband Dave received a degree in biology and went back to college...

  • A Stone Wall in Ripton
    A Stone Wall in Ripton

    This stone wall in Ripton at Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of English always catches my eye. At least once a year I take a leisurely drive along Route 125, a scenic route also known as Middlebury Gap Road. During these drives, I always stop at...

  • A Splash of Color

    Lately things are looking a little stark and gray in northern Vermont. The mountains are getting snow, but it's been pretty quiet in the valleys. I've been out with my camera every weekend, but taking photos this time of year can sometimes be a challenge...

  • Autumn Gray and Gold

    I drove up to Vermont's Champlain Islands for a meeting this week and was hoping to take some scenic photos along the way. Unfortunately, the weather turned rainy and gloomy as soon as I arrived. Still, the orange and yellow leaves against the gray sky...

  • Columbus Day Weekend

    Here are some fall foliage photos I took over the weekend in Lincoln (top), Starksboro (middle) and Underhill (bottom). The colors are a bit past peak near my home in Underhill, but the foothills are still glowing. Right now there's incredibly bright fall foliage in...