Events from April 6 – April 26 › Maple Season › – Happy Vermont

Vermont Events


Maple Meet-Up at Merck Forest in Rupert

Merck Forest and Farmland Center 3270 Route 315, Rupert, VT, United States

Join Merck Forest for a 1.5-hour sugaring tour. See and experience maple sugaring operations, from the trees in the sugarbush to the evaporator. Fee is $10. Pre-registration required. Meet at the Visitor Center.

Lunenburg Solar Eclipse Celebration

Lunenberg Town Common 9 West Main Street, Lunenberg, VT, United States

You're invited to Lunenburg for all things eclipse! Don't miss the local sugar on snow party on the town common. Get maps to local sugar houses, and enjoy maple cotton candy and photographic and interactive maple displays at the local congregational church.

Kingdom Maple Festival in St. Johnsbury

Downtown St. Johnsbury St. Johnsbury, VT, United States

At the Kingdom Maple Festival in St. Johnsbury, celebrate the town's history as the "Maple Center of the World” with a sweet street festival along Railroad Street. A Pancake breakfast at United Community Church (1325 Main Street) will be from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m....

Maple History Tour in St. Johnsbury

Downtown St. Johnsbury St. Johnsbury, VT, United States

Join an expert historian to learn about the people and places responsible for St. Johnsbury being named the Maple Center of the World. Maple industry historian and author Dr. Matthew Thomas, the leading expert on the history of the Cary Maple Sugar and Maple Grove...


Vermont Maple Festival in St. Albans

Downtown St. Albans St. Albans, VT, United States

Don't miss the 57th annual festival in St. Albans, where there will so much to see, taste and do at this year's event. Enjoy a parade, sugarhouse tours, music, entertainment, children's activities, food and more.