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Come explore the backwoods of Vermont with an interpretive snowshoe guide every Wednesday and Saturday throughout the winter season. Whether you are new to snowshoes or your first time, we will guide you by headlamp or moonlight through the winter woods. Warm up by the fire...

Come explore the backwoods of Vermont with an interpretive snowshoe guide every Wednesday and Saturday throughout the winter season. Whether you are new to snowshoes or your first time, we will guide you by headlamp or moonlight through the winter woods. Warm up by the fire...

Come explore the backwoods of Vermont with an interpretive snowshoe guide every Wednesday and Saturday throughout the winter season. Whether you are new to snowshoes or your first time, we will guide you by headlamp or moonlight through the winter woods. Warm up by the fire...

Come explore the backwoods of Vermont with an interpretive snowshoe guide every Wednesday and Saturday throughout the winter season. Whether you are new to snowshoes or your first time, we will guide you by headlamp or moonlight through the winter woods. Warm up by the fire...

Join Paul Searls, historian, professor and author as he shares how Vermont’s development unfolded beginning in the late 1890s with the competing efforts of state officials to promote and conserve the state’s natural beauty while also attracting business and industry. Today, the consequences of these historic...

Skiers and riders (13 years and under) will get a feel for park riding and experience the rules and navigation of the park. Mini Shred Madness is all about having fun in a competition setting. There will be all sorts of free giveaways being handed...

Bring your instruments, your voices, and your ideas. Everyone will take turns, teaching each other new song numbers while keeping it simple. Rock, folk, blues, Americana. Feel free to bring lead sheets....

Bring your instruments, your voices, and your ideas. Everyone will take turns, teaching each other new song numbers while keeping it simple. Rock, folk, blues, Americana. Feel free to bring lead sheets....

Bring your instruments, your voices, and your ideas. Everyone will take turns, teaching each other new song numbers while keeping it simple. Rock, folk, blues, Americana. Feel free to bring lead sheets....

Bring your instruments, your voices, and your ideas. Everyone will take turns, teaching each other new song numbers while keeping it simple. Rock, folk, blues, Americana. Feel free to bring lead sheets....