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The Whitingham Holiday Pop-Up Shop showcases handmade, repurposed and vintage items from Vermont artisans. Shop for wreaths, home decor, honey, candles, jewelry, maple syrup, coffee mugs and tumblers, clothing, furniture, bags, jams, jellies and more....

The Whitingham Holiday Pop-Up Shop showcases handmade, repurposed and vintage items from Vermont artisans. Shop for wreaths, home decor, honey, candles, jewelry, maple syrup, coffee mugs and tumblers, clothing, furniture, bags, jams, jellies and more....

The Old South Church Christmas Bazaar in Windsor features handmade crafts, baked goods and the Christmas Attic with new and gently used Christmas items and gifts. Coffee and Christmas breads will be offered at 9 a.m. Soup lunch to-go is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m....

Celebrate local and shop small this season at at Holiday Makers Market in Alburgh. Kraemer + Kin is expanding its Small Business Saturday into a two-day Holiday Maker's Market. Shop from incredible products from local makers and enjoy live music by the Dale & Darcy Band Friday, and...

Celebrate local and shop small this season at at Holiday Makers Market in Alburgh. Kraemer + Kin is expanding its Small Business Saturday into a two-day Holiday Maker's Market. Shop from incredible products from local makers and enjoy live music by the Dale & Darcy Band Friday, and...

A hol­i­day market in Irasburg features local vendors, food and free crafts for kids. Lunch and other treats will be avail­able. Every­one who stops by will be en­tered to win a $200 Wal­mart Gift Card. All pro­ceeds from the event will pur­chase toys for chil­dren in...

Don't miss the Christ­mas Arts & Crafts Fair in Derby. Shop for gifts, enter a Thanks­giv­ing din­ner bas­ket raf­fle, crafters’ raf­fle and enjoy hol­i­day mu­sic. Lunch avail­able for pur­chase. Admission: $1 (by donation). Do­na­tion guar­an­tees en­try into the din­ner raf­fle. Pro­ceeds will be used for chil­dren’s pro­gram­ming. Presented by the Dai­ley...