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The 15th Annual Vermont Pumpkin Chuckin' Festival celebrates the sport of "chuckin" pumpkins. The competition is for distance, using a do-it-yourself constructed trebuchet, which is a gravity powered catapult. Enjoy live music featuring John Smyth and Kirkland the Band. There will be food trucks and a...

"I grew up in Vermont and went to college here, but I also spent time traveling around the country and internationally. When it was time to plant some roots, Vermont was a no-brainer—politically, environmentally, recreationally, and culturally. I’m a photographer and Kim works in marketing at Stowe Mountain...

Route 108 through Smugglers’ Notch is known as one of the most scenic drives in Vermont, at least between May and October. But when the snow flies, a three-mile section of this scenic, winding road is closed to traffic. That’s not to say that Route 108...

What’s your favorite Vermont town along Route 100? For me, it’s a toss-up between Weston (where I was married) and Warren (where I used to live). Route 100 stretches 216 miles along the spine of the Green Mountains through 33 classic villages and towns, from Jacksonville...

Hiking Vermont ski areas should be one of those must-do activities in the summer and fall. After all, with hundreds of miles of trails, Vermont offers plenty of hiking opportunities for novice and seasoned outdoor enthusiasts. Hiking Vermont ski areas is also a rewarding way to...

Emily's Bridge in Stowe looks like any other covered bridge in Vermont. But how the bridge makes people feel is an entirely different story. Officially called Gold Brook Bridge, the one-lane bridge was built in 1844. Over the years, the bridge has become better known as...

The Stowe Recreation Path is at the top of my to-do list for anyone visiting or living in Vermont.  Whether you're biking, running, walking your dog or pushing a stroller, the five-mile path is a perfect place to enjoy the outdoors. Mostly flat and level, the...

I have been through Smugglers' Notch on Route 108 dozens of times, but until last weekend I had never noticed the small cave just beyond the parking area. The cave is located about 60-feet from the scenic road (known as the Notch) that winds through Cambridge...

The gardens at Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe have everything from primrose and geraniums to impatiens and tulips. And of course, there's Edelweiss. Every summer Dave and I visit the 2,400-acre resort to admire the gardens around the property. Last summer I spent a few hours...