Turkey Trot Archives - Happy Vermont

Turkey Trot Tag

The Barton Turkey Trot features a 5K walk/​run and hol­i­day pie sale sup­port­ing the Bar­ton Pub­lic Li­brary. Pre-reg­is­tra­tion costs $15 until Nov. 25. Af­ter Nov. 25, the fee is $20. Pre-reg­is­ter at bar­ton­pub­li­cli­brary.org or stop by the li­brary....

The Green Mountain Athletic Association's 48th Annual Turkey Trot in Burlington includes a 5k loop on recreation trails and some dirt trails starting and finishing on the UVM athletic campus. The GMAA Turkey Trot raises over $5,000 and several hundred pounds in food donations for Feeding...

The annual Turkey Trot Fun Run in Pittsford raises funds to support Pittsford Christmas For Kids, providing gifts and holiday joy to families in need. This rain-or-shine 5K run offers prizes to the top three finishers, including a turkey donated by Kamuda’s Market, a breakfast basket...

The 21st Annual Turkey Trot and Holiday Sale returns to Barton! Runners start at 9 a.m., and walkers right after. Registration $15/$20. All proceeds go to the Barton Public Library.  ...

Join the inaugural Turkey Fest at the Gardner Park Bandstand, where there will be loads of family fun with carnival games and competitions open to everyone.  The top winner in each competition will receive a prize of $25 downtown dollars. Schedule: 11 a.m. Turkey Fest opens 1:30 p.m....

The 20th annual Gobble Wobble Turkey Trot in Barre is a 5K run/walk event sponsored by the Barre Congregational church. Strollers and dogs on a leash are welcome. Costumes are encouraged! Registration $20/$30. The start and finish line will be at the pavilion at the end of the...

The Brattleboro Turkey Trot is a free race and an annual tradition since 1977! This is the Red Clover Rovers' gift to Brattleboro-area runners, celebrating moving in the fresh air and joining together as an active community. Come run the classic annual 3-miler on Upper...

Join the 13th annual Killington 5K Turkey Trot to help support local organizations. Run or walk—all ages welcome! The event includes live music, bar and raffle prizes. Fee $30/$35. Rain or shine, sleet or snow!...

Trot through Stratton Village and the area's scenic backdrops at the annual Gobble Gobble Wobble 5K run at Stratton Mountain. Get your tailfeathers moving early to kick off Thanksgiving on the right foot. Sign up as a family, with your running pals or hang out and...

This 18th annual Zack's Place Turkey Trot is a 5K run or walk on Thanksgiving Day that brings together families, friends, and the community. The run starts at the Woodstock Elementary School and meanders through the historic Village of Woodstock, toward Billings Farm, around Mountain Avenue...