The Main Street Museum – Happy Vermont

Vermont Events

Gory Daze Parade and Afforda-Ball in White River Junction

The Main Street Museum 59 Bridge Street, White River Junction, VT, United States

The Gory Daze Parade will be led by the Amazing Brass Balagan in White River Junction! At 7:45 p.m., the parade lines up at the Main Street Museum, kicking off at 8 p.m. Parade route: The parade starts at the museum (58 Bridge Street) and...


What Doth Rumble Music Fest in White River Junction

The Main Street Museum 59 Bridge Street, White River Junction, VT, United States

The What Doth Rumble music fest in White River Junction features more than 20 bands, two stages and workshops.  There will also be food trucks and vendors. Free admission. Workshops are free and open to the public. Workshops include mixing music, animated video, songwriting, tuning...

Great Chili Cook-Off in White River Junction

The Main Street Museum 59 Bridge Street, White River Junction, VT, United States

The Great Chili Cook-Off at The Main Street Museum includes the tastiest chili and music by 89 No. Want to bring your A-game and serve up your finest chili? Click here to sign up.

Heartburn and Heartbreak in White River Junction

The Main Street Museum 59 Bridge Street, White River Junction, VT, United States

The Main Street Museum presents Dinner and a Show: Heartburn and Heartbreak. Valentine's Day Gumbo Cook Off, 6:30 p.m. The Hokey Pokey's will perform a show titled "Songs of Heartbreak" at 7:30 p.m. and Restless Breakfast will then perform show titled "Songs of Hope" at...

LIGHT River Junction Bonfire in White River Junction

The Main Street Museum 59 Bridge Street, White River Junction, VT, United States

Enjoy a bonfire on the banks of the mighty White River. Enjoy light fare and cool projections. Donations appreciated.

A Very Merry Museum

The Main Street Museum 59 Bridge Street, White River Junction, VT, United States

A variety show for all the holidays. Enjoy cookies, music, elves, and spirits! Donations $2-$20 appreciated at the door.


Free Piano Concerts

The Main Street Museum 59 Bridge Street, White River Junction, VT, United States

Every Friday night the Main Street Museum is open and jamming with live piano concerts. Bring a beverage, dance, sing along, relax on the deck. Enjoy the evening by donation.