Fall & Autumn Archives - Page 6 of 8 - Happy Vermont

Fall & Autumn

  • November Landscape
    November Landscape

    Sunny days are in short supply this time of year. On top of the cloudiness, the leaves are gone and the days are shorter. Sounds enticing, right? Actually, it really is nice. In Vermont we call this "Stick Season," which takes place between late October...

  • Relocating to Vermont: The Ups and Downs
    Relocating to Vermont: The Ups and Downs

    On Nov. 1, 2006, Dave and I left Boston and moved to Vermont. We enjoyed living in the city, but we were tired of the grind and yearned for a more laid-back lifestyle. Vermont was my home, and we had talked about relocating to Vermont...

  • Tales of Vermont Haunted Forests
    Tales of Vermont Haunted Forests

    Alien abductions and alternate dimensions? The Green Mountains are filled with intriguing legends and ghost tales, including some that have been told for more than a century. Now, just in time for Halloween, a new book explores  Vermont haunted forests. "Haunted Hikes of Vermont" by Tim...

  • The Light and Air of Fall
    The Light and Air of Fall

    Lately I've been spending a lot of time outdoors in Vermont with my camera. This photo of a classic Chevy truck in Shelburne is one of my favorites from the fall season. The colorful leaves are always a highlight of autumn in Vermont, but I also...

  • The Early Show at Shelburne Orchards
    The Early Show at Shelburne Orchards

    Shelburne Orchards was featured on The CBS Early Show last week, and I was fortunate enough to be at the orchard for the live segment with weather anchor Dave Price. Every fall, a producer from the show contacts me for location suggestions in Vermont, and this...

  • Bristol Pond in Autumn
    Bristol Pond in Autumn

    Bristol Pond is one of those perfect places to spend a sunny, fall afternoon. The pond, also known as Winona Lake, is a beautiful spot for canoeing, kayaking and fishing. The Hogback Mountains sit along the eastern border of Bristol Pond, making the area especially scenic....

  • Fall in Addison County
    Fall in Addison County

    Over the weekend I traveled to Lincoln, Monkton and Bristol, which are three small towns in Addison County. These communities, located west of Vermont's Green Mountains and east of Route 7, are showing some of the most vibrant fall colors I've seen so far this...

  • Columbus Day Weekend in Vermont
    Columbus Day Weekend in Vermont

    I always have high hopes for Columbus Day Weekend. Fall foliage is in full swing and there are always a variety of fun events going on around the state. There are too many festivals to name, but I wanted to highlight a few of my...

  • Fall Foliage in the Mad River Valley
    Fall Foliage in the Mad River Valley

    The Mad River Valley is always a perfect place to enjoy fall foliage. During the fall, the hillsides in this scenic area of central Vermont are particularly bright with shades of red, orange and gold. I typically drive along the back roads of Waitsfield, Warren and...

  • Falconry Lessons in Manchester
    Falconry Lessons in Manchester

    Dave recently took falconry lessons in Manchester at the British School of Falconry. The lesson was a Christmas present I gave him last year (he’s hard to buy for and I must admit, this was one of my better gifts). During his beginner falconry lessons in...