Events for December 21, 2022 – Happy Vermont

Vermont Events

Winter Solstice Pageant in Middlebury

Town Hall Theater 68 S. Pleasant Street, Middlebury

Flowing from the Town Hall Theater grounds to the Middlebury Town Green, performers invite spectators to bring their own lanterns and noise makers to add to the light and merrymaking.

Winter Solstice Community Celebration in Brattleboro

Winter Solstic Brattleboro 118 Elliot Street, Brattleboro

This gathering includes a Solstice Ceremony, drumming session, and music from two bands, Shaman Wanda(Shaun Magee and friends) and Freakquency. Desserts for sale by Fire Arts Cafe. This is a fundraiser for Groundworks of Brattleboro; suggested donation is $15.